If anyone still wanders by this site I hope you'll understand why there have been zero updates in the last month - I was VERY PATIENTLY awaiting the birth of my third child. And by patient I really do mean patient. At least up until the 9th day she was overdue and then I lost my mind.
My due date was either September 30th or October 2nd and considering that's only a couple of days difference you may wonder what's the big deal? The big FREAKING deal is that since the middle of September I have had many people tell me repeatedly that "Oh, this is your 3rd? Well, they ALWAYS come early!" Umm...not so much as we came to find out. After having mild to moderate contractions daily for two weeks, followed by what I thought was my water breaking (turns out I really DID just piss myself...), two trips to the hospital, and at least 3 OB appointments, I realized I needed to just face facts - I was going to be pregnant at least until Christmas - which conceivably could work because I've never played Santa Claus before and this might just be one good shot.
So Day 9 (or Day 11 depending which due date you choose) overdue (did I mention that third babies are apparently NEVER this late? No? Well, I'm here to blow your mind - IT HAPPENS.) I phoned the hospital at 8:00 a.m. to find out what happens next - I'm going to have to be induced - and the nurse tells me to wait by the phone, she will call when there's an opening (WHAT THE FUCK? I'm not trying for an impossible-to-get reservation at Club 21 here, I want this baby OUT!)
By 3:00 p.m. the hospital still had not phoned. You can probably guess where this is going, right? Yep. I called again and was told, "oh sorry, it's been really busy today, you may have to wait another day." And you can probably guess what happened next. Yep. I burst into tears. The head nurse wanted us to come in anyway and have baby and me checked out, but we live about 40 minutes away and no flipping way were we driving all the way in only to be told "Everything's fine, go home and wait for our call."
Hubby convinced me that we should go in that evening and maybe things would be quieter and they'd keep me there. After crying from frustration and the want, the desire to just hold our baby girl, and because I'm honest in writing, the big glass of wine I drank after that phone call, I agreed that going in was the best thing to do.
That's all I have time to write at the moment, baby calls, and toddler needs help getting dressed. Part Two will come before the end of this weekend - I promise!