No more wipes. No more Pull-Ups. No more Malteser poops rolling out and onto my bed or the floor.
She is staying dry all night long, she is going pee-pee all by herself - "Mummy, femme la porte (close the door), me go pee!" She craves privacy to read the Archie comics close at hand while taking care of business. She also likes to rub gobs of lotion in her hair when she's done. (And yes, I probably should put the bottle of lotion up higher and out of reach, but then the screaming for MY LOOOOOO-SHHHHUUUUUUNNN would be heard from Vancouver to Halifax.)
The only reward she's ever received during the entire potty-training ritual is our over the top excitement at every little tinkle and fart (because a fart can lead to pooping, and farts are funny!). She also has the pleasure of flushing the toilet. Let me tell you, I think much more in this world can be accomplished, if we'd all only get along and take turns flushing the toilet.
As a parent, you understand just how momentous this truly is - freedom to just pick up and go anywhere is so close I can taste it.
And now I've just grossed myself out by talking about "poop" and "taste" in the same post.
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