Friday, November 14, 2008

Burn After Reading

A couple of people have mentioned to me in passing that my writing about sex, or how much my hubby does it for me kind of makes them a little bit uncomfortable.

So they should probably read no further. Because I'm going to write about SEX. AGAIN. Because if it makes them uncomfortable to know I'm having SEX on a regular basis with the man I love and live with, they probably also don't want to know that another way my hubby totally turns me on is by putting pen to paper. I get to experience a side of him that I don't usually get to see, and reading what he's written can get him laid faster than it'd take for you to finish this sentence.

And that's just one reason we had sex last night. Again. Poor me.

Damn these couples and their expressions of love and affection for one another.


Anonymous said...

Funny when guys get together talking he is always one to call other guys soft when it comes to the ladies, I have learned over the years the one who usually rags other guys is usually the one he himself is talking about. Guess you just answered that questions for all boys at trailer park. Mr tough guys does have a very soft side. Too bad he does not treat his boys like that, maybe we will bang him too !!!

Anonymous said...

I personally have no problem with your current topic of discussion. In fact, I say, kudos to you both! And for those who are uncomfortable with the topic, :p to you all!

And this anonymous is the one you know as anonymous ;)