So remember I mentioned in an earlier post that I got sick over the holidays with a cough? Its nasty next door neighbour has now moved into my sinuses and while I'm generally a fairly nice-but-cranky individual, I'm one snotty Kleenex away from turning into Super-bitch because I HATE being sick. Quite possibly it's already happened, but you'd have to ask my hubby about that, although being the sweetheart he is when I'm sick, he'll deny that it seems as though the devil has taken over and my head's about to spin around 10 times à-la Sybil....
My ears are blocked as though I've been swimming underwater for hours, and the post-nasal drip, drip, drip at the back of my throat causes the coughing fits to start all over again, only to have my head pound, pound, POUND from the build-up of pressure, except that only the left side of my nose is blocked but that's the side the runny nose is on too. My hands and feet are freezing, while the rest of me is too warm, and why is it that I have to pee constantly when I have a cold?
My god, the POWER I EXERT. Even urine is afraid to stick around for this party.
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