Notice the happy, excited smiles? They weren't faking it - they really were that jazzed to get on the school bus. It might have had something to do with the coffee I forced on them at breakfast, but hey, whatever works, right?
Derek was itching to catch up with his friends who he didn't really get a chance to hang out with during the summer-that-never-was and Danielle was ecstatic to finally go on the " 'tool bus" with her big brother.
We thought she'd freak out once the bus arrived and she actually had to get on it, but trouper that she is, she barely batted an eyelash, gave us a wave and a smile and they were off...with us following close behind because after all, that's our baby girl on that bus and who knows where it really stops and starts and maybe the driver is going to forget he's got kids on board and park it at the local pub while he pops inside for a pint or two.
UPDATE: They did get to school. No drinking establishments along the country roads they travel to get there. School bus driver still has all his limbs.