Saturday, March 13, 2010

Struggle, Struggle, Tiny Light, Struggle, Struggle

It's getting through my head that new habits are hard to form. I'm trying to change 30 years of negative thoughts about my body, but I will be honest and say that my confidence is...very low. You know those makeover shows where they suggest that you focus on one body part you like? Everyone has one little thing, right? I can't find my one little thing. I finally admitted to my fiance that I don't like anything on my body - to the point where I can't even look at myself in the mirror when brushing my teeth.

I would NEVER say negative things to my daughters (or my son for that matter) or friends and I understand that what's on the inside is more important, but at what point did I give myself permission to treat myself so horribly?

How self-indulgent and fucked up am I?



Anonymous said...

Thinking of you xoxox

Barbara said...

Admission is the first step on the road to recovery, so they say...although those know-it-all "theys" sometimes just really tick me off...

wichiepoo said...


I was like that once upon a time... but you gotta find something, and accept the beautiful woman that you are... (this coming from someone who went to high school with you and remembers always that I looked up to you and always thought you were a cutie!!!)...

Anonymous said...

You are such a gorgeous woman...I could list an awful lot of things about you that are beautiful. You are the most photogenic person I have ever met and the camera doesn't lie.
I totally understand how you feel though because confidence has to come from you and not other people. I struggle with that daily also so if you need/want to struggle through it with anyone, I'm a phone call away...:)
Love you,

Institute for Internet Safety said...

Don't be so hard of yourself for you are an exquisite creation of God Almighty. Be proud of it and make the best out of it.