There are so many things I could write about on here, but, as I do in my day-to-day life, I choose to edit those topics.
We have all encountered people in our lives (either on the peripheral or smack dab in the middle) who voice their own, usually very strong and very wordy, opinions on everything from politics and religion, on whose responsibility it really is for the glaring spelling mistake in the newsletter that's already been printed and mailed to a thousand people (and no, I'm not using a current example here) right on down to whether the size of the dust bunny under your bed is more or less a houseguest that never leaves.
Why do I edit on here? There are a lot of reasons. Mostly because I'm often too busy trying to make it through every day to even have time to sit and FORM AN OPINION (unless it involves anyone in my house wanting to wear a T-shirt outside when it's minus 10 degrees, in which case, my opinion is less an opinion and more of an order of the I-don't-freakin'-think so-kind.)
I edit because I think if I unleashed some of the pent-up anger and frustration I feel, while therapeutic in the moment, would only hurt me in the end. So, I pretty much keep my opinions to myself.
But I will share this with you - stupidity doesn't discriminate.
I'm going to use that final's brilliant...
Unleashing some of pent-up anger and frustration you feel helps, to make you feel okay and calm, and I'll wait for your next blog wherein you'll share something about your quote "stupidity doesn't discriminate". Good luck!
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