Friday, December 10, 2010

Sick Fest 2010

We are a house of sickness - save for one - Derek-the-teenager - and I think it's because his hormones and teenage angst are protecting him like a heat-shield. Lucky shit.

I am trying to get over a nasty head cold, complete with sinus infection, sinus pain, headache and that irritating dry cough that makes you want to vomit the tickle in the back of your throat right into next year. It puts slicing the left base of my thumb right down to where I could see the bone into perspective. A head cold is way worse.

Danielle has a milder version of the above cold.

Olivia, who is just getting over (getting rid?) of the red, chapped mouth she's had for the last several weeks, and the nasty bump/bruise on her forehead from last week (she was rubbing her tired eyes and walked into our bedroom door...I definitely know this child is from my loins because she is a huge klutz like her mother), now has gross, whiteish looking goopy-pus-stuff coming out of the corners of her eyes. I'm experienced enough to know that it isn't (touch wood) pinkeye (at least not yet), and while I can deal with cleaning up kid vomit and diarrhea, eye-goop definitely makes me squeamish.

And then Jeff started puking his guts out last night. I know he was feeling awful because I heard actual moaning (and not the good kind!) coming from him. His entire body was wracked with pain, and in between trips to the bathroom and barfing in the garbage can every 20 minutes, well, let's say Mummy here got very little sleep. I don't know what your husband sounds like when he's upchucking, but mine? Let's just say that I think the hounds of hell were likely awakened by the noise and they were scared.


Good wife that I am, though, I got out of bed each time to empty the can, rinse it out, refill it with fresh water (did you know that puke doesn't smell quite so awful if you add water to the bucket? It also makes rinsing it out that much easier. Far less sticky bits to deal with. I wonder if Martha Stewart knows this handy little tip? Maybe I'll give her a call...)

Oh, and to top everything off? I called the furnace guy at 10:00 p.m. last night because our heater stopped working and it's minus 20 degrees outside. Cha-ching! goes the service call....

So, between the baby and the hubby, and the 5:00 a.m. alarm, I calculate that I got about 23 minutes of sleep last night.

I might be a little bitchy today.

1 comment:

IISAFETY said...

It's okay to be bitchy sometimes, but not too much. I know that you love your family, and their happiness is your priority. Stay strong and good luck on the next days.