Tuesday, November 2, 2010

So Long, Farewell

Halloween is over for another year and I am still counting my blessings. If you are new to this blog, take note - I am an All Hallows' Eve hater.

There are so many things I don't like about it - the widespread usage of clown make-up, the running rampant clowns (they pop up everywhere and each time I see one my hysteria only grows), the creepy-zombie-vampire-bloody-gory-body-parts-hanging-off-trees-and-in-store-displays; and the complete availability of mountains of mini-chocolates and candies.

It snowed on Saturday night and was still cold with lots of the white stuff covering lawns on Sunday night and bless her little heart, Danielle was satisfied with 40 minutes' worth of trick-or-treating. The baby was wrapped up snugly, and Derek was nice enough (and grumbled only a little) to escort his little sister to front doors where the child-who-NEVER-shuts-up became mute. Albeit a very sweet, sparkly mute princess. He even scored a bag of candy at one place because they thought it was so cute that a big brother was helping that way.

Meanwhile Jeff and I were freezing our asses off curbside - my eyes glued to the stroller in front of me while he scanned the streets for clowns. And a testament to how much he loves me is that he will warn me to keep looking the other way if he sees one. I'm pretty sure he'd also beat the shit out of one if it came over to me. (Another reason why I'm happy I married him...)

There's lots more to tell, but never enough time for me to get online to write it down. But I'm trying.

I hope you are well!

1 comment:

IISAFETY said...

Oh don't hate the Halloween for some they really love the event especially the costumes they'll gonna wear for the occasion. But it's your own point of view, so it's alright. Just continue blogging. God bless!