It's 9:00 p.m., all three children are asleep and while my body is exhausted my brain won't slow down. I am basically awake from 3:30 a.m. until I go to bed at night - this has been going on for the past few weeks, due to, you know, giving birth WITHOUT PAIN MEDICATION eight short weeks ago and newborn babies' eating habits.
The burst of energy, fueled by exhilaration, generated from giving birth lasted until last week. That energy enabled me to get up after breastfeeding during the night to fix the older two their breakfast, help them get ready for school and out the door in time for the bus, at which point it's time to nurse the baby again.
I'm now tired. Which means I'm slightly snappish and wishing for more sleep, more coffee and an iron will which would boot my soft ass downstairs to work out. Instead, I'm crying at the drop of a hat, generally preceeded by looking at my infant daughter and realizing just how quickly this time is passing and I can do nothing to slow it down, to keep her a baby forever; and when there are a few free minutes, I know I should be exercising, but the laundry is piling up, the house needs to be vacuumed, and if the damn dog doesn't stop that constant paw-licking-sound I'm going to seriously lose my fucking mind.
1 comment:
You really need a healthy break from your super busy day.Though you're enjoying your day sometimes, but still unwinding is necessary, for you'll not get bored or depressed. Take care! Thanks for sharing!
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