Sunday, August 23, 2009

Enough With The Guilt!

It's Sunday morning and my son is at his dad's for the weekend, hubby is fishing a bass tournament and I have plunked my 3 year old in front of the Treehouse channel so I can get online to browse and to update - something I haven't done in several weeks - and I feel guilty for doing so.

Why is that? Hubby gets plenty of cave-time which he needs and is important to him - in fact I'd wager that most men get lots of it - and yet, despite how guilty I'm feeling for not interacting, not playing with my daughter, I'm still sitting here typing instead of closing the laptop and getting down on the floor to do puzzles.

Is it the curse of the working mother? I'm pretty sure that stay-at-home and work-outside-the home moms all feel exactly the same - we are all working and there never seem to be enough hours in the day for us. I'm going on maternity leave in mid-September and I cannot wait for our baby girl to arrive but also (again with the guilt!) for the kids to be at school so that I can get into a routine with baby and get into a routine of taking care of me too.

I hear it all the time - mothers who take time to nurture themselves through exercise, meditation, shopping (pick your poison!) are better mothers because they've had that time to recharge their batteries.



Barbara said...

Because you're thick-headed? :D I jest...and thank you...for referring to working mothers as "work outside the home" mothers...that is pdb (pure dead brilliant, as my husband would say)...because you are right, we are ALL working mothers...I hate how some people assume that because I do not go to an office (or wherever) to work, that I am somehow NOT working...I'm going to pilfer that it...

And yes, work outside the home or stay home, you need time to recharge batteries...otherwise you'll end up ranting and raving at everyone in ask yourself this when you start to feel it better for me to take 30 minutes to an hour (or longer if need be) to keep myself sane or scream my head off...which one is less likely to send my kid to the therapist 20 years from now?

See? I knew you knew the answer...

LP said...

...cause you're a mom...and we're all so ridiculously good at putting everyone ahead of ourselves. I've told my husband my next life...I'm coming back as a MAN!