Monday, September 22, 2008


We got good news from the vet that Marla is going to be ok. The lump turned out to be a fat deposit, and she has arthritis which will have to be treated, but first we're dealing with antibiotics for the gross-me-out-bloody-diarrhea, likely a bug or something she ate, but this is clearing. She is on the mend.

As a side bonus, because our dog DOES NOT CHEW HER FOOD, giving her medication is very easy.

Now if only I could get my hubby to take a damn Claritin tablet for his allergies...maybe I should tickle his cheek and shove it down his throat too? But then, see, I'd only know if he swallowed it when he licked his nose.

Which is a possibility. ;>

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go Marla, go Marla, go for Jeff? You're on your own there. But let me know how it goes...
