Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Let the List Making Commence

We've started an initial guest list already, and I'm happy to say that he's very excited about planning this shindig, which is great because it means we're going to help each other through these next few crazy months.

We're looking at a late September wedding, and while I'm inviting only my immediate family (which includes 9 nieces & nephews), he's inviting almost his entire family. Have I mentioned that his family is French? Not that that precludes large numbers of cousins, but French families do tend to be large, as in there will be a minimum of 40 cousins attending. He's the baby in the family, and they are all anh, ouai!! Toute excité!!

Let me just say that between our family and our friends, this is going to be one kick-ass party and we should probably start stocking up on Advil liqui-gels and Tylenol extra-strength now.

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Not to mention making sure there's enough "hair o' the dog" left over for the day after....