Friday, July 3, 2009


DJs on the radio this morning were talking about a new technology that has been developed which allows for a model to be made of your unborn baby so that you can hold "it" before it's actually born. Apparently this will increase the bonding between parents and baby-to-be.

The whole idea behind this sends shudders down my spine - having a baby is one of the last great mysteries of life - you don't really know exactly what your child is going to look like until he or she is born - and therein lies the anticipation and excitement you've been waiting months for.

I know that hubby and I and the kids are already bonding with this little one - and not because we can hold a gelatinous mold that is supposed to replicate her. We are bonding individually and as a family each time we feel her kick or see my stomach move like a mini roller-coaster, every hug and kiss and touch to my belly is a connection to the baby girl growing inside me.

I don't know about you, but I'll stick to dreaming and wondering and imagining this awesome gift who is already changing our lives - jello molds or not.

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