Monday, November 17, 2008

Birthday Girl

Dear Bébé,

Yesterday was your 3rd birthday and we celebrated it with family (some were near, some are far away) and let me just say that neither Daddy or I are having an easy time accepting that you are "...'free years old". I'm pretty sure we'd give up a lot of things if only we could freeze time a little bit as a way of slowing down you and your big brother getting any older.

Some of the things we'd be willing to part with include my chocolate and Daddy might even give up his favorite fishing rod. (Not the bass boat, because, let's face it - that boat means as much to him as the very dirty baby-doll you carry EVERYWHERE means to you. The dirty, clothes-less, bacteria-filled doll we beg and plead and bribe you not to bring to the store. But you refuse to leave it behind because even at this young age, you understand something important: No one gets left behind in our house. We are a family and we stick together. Bottom line here is that you have the upper hand in these negotiations...but you didn't hear that from me.)

You were plum tuckered out by bedtime and within moments, sound asleep. So of course, I did what every mother does, and snuck back into your room to take this picture of you:

And then I went to Daddy for a hug. I cried tears of happiness that you are strong and healthy and happy and already a girl who knows her own mind. No one will ever push you around because you just won't stand for it.

I cried tears of sadness because my Bébé is not a little bébé anymore and as much as I want to stop time I know that I cannot. Instead, we will love you as much as is humanly possible and we will kiss and cuddle you as much and for as long as you will allow. (Based on your brother who still cuddles some of the time, we've got a solid 8 years ahead of us to look forward to.)

And I can easily speak for Daddy here too because we "aroo" you too, Baby Girl, "aroo" you so much you leave us breathless.

Love, Mummy

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