Monday, February 15, 2010

Tiny Pockets of Time

There are many instances when I'm able to quiet the voice(s) in my head and truly appreciate little moments as they happen. The endless list of things I need to do, get done, plan ahead for - disappear - because a moment like this occurs and I realize I've actually taken a deep breath and am so thankful for my life, for my children, for my hubby, for friends and family.

It can be the unexpected, most amazing hug from my son that lets me know that, in fact, my little boy still IS inside the continually hungry and getting taller every day body.

It is hubby telling me he thinks I am a strong and amazing "wife". (I'll explain the quotation marks in another post!)

It is the toddler telling us very seriously that she is going to buy her ding-dong house at Walmart with her monies. (Definition: Ding-dong house refers to the overpriced Fisher Price plastic playhouse made for kids. It comes with a working doorbell. We are currently searching out a large cardboard box and will stick a wireless doorbell to voila! A ding-dong house that didn't just cost a couple of months' worth of truck payments! It's called innovating.)

It is a moment like this I was able to capture when baby fell asleep in her swing. Here comes that deep breathing again...

1 comment:

Institute for Internet Safety said...

What a fascinating family you have. Make most of the time you have with them. Enjoy every moment. I could help myself to wish that hope I my future family will be just like yours. Thanks!