Friday, October 31, 2008

This Day Can't Be Over Soon Enough

So by now, you're all aware of my extreme fear of bats and to add to that, is my complete distaste for creepy, scary, gory Halloween and a frozen-to-the-spot-with-watery-legs fear of clowns.

This is a holiday nightmare for people like me. The entire month of October is fraught with turns down the wrong aisle at the grocery store where, by not paying attention to your surroundings because you are focused on finding the damn dog food which has been moved from it's usual spot, you will come face to face with clown masks, bloody zombie faces, or freaky, mean-looking skeletons on a stick.

Every year, I hope that the decorations won't be as gruesome as the year before, but they seem to be getting worse instead. I like the happy, friendly, cartoony type of Halloween decorations. The ones where Casper truly is a friendly ghost, and the witch's laugh isn't so much a spine-shuddering cackle as a slightly gruff sound because just maybe she's hungover from drinking too much brew the night before.

Gone are the days when I could dress my son up as a pumpkin and he'd think it was the greatest costume in the world. Today he's dressed as a wrestler - the Undertaker. And even though I'm the adult who put his makeup on this morning, it still gave me the creepies because his face is hiding underneath it.
Little sister saw her big brother dressed like this, screamed, and then ran to hide behind my legs while crying because she was scared.

I truly feel for her...The only saving grace about today is that candy will be on sale and I just might venture out of my comfort zone (head down, eyes front) to buy some because chocolate almost always makes bad things good again.

Then again, it's possible I'll end up face to face with a clown dressed up as a bat.

And just to be clear? THAT little experience wouldn't end well...


Anonymous said...

I feel your pain Sister! I hung out at my friend's hot tub and drank appletini's for the festive occasion!

Anonymous said...

Oh...and my nephew was way cuter as a pumkin. I am not prepared for this "growing up" big boy crap.