Sunday, December 28, 2008

It Ain't Over Till the Fat Lady Sings

Christmas is over for another year.

Santa Claus came to our house and the kids were beside themselves with happiness over the haul they received. Amazing how much great stuff one can find when you agree that spending $150 on each child is MORE THAN ENOUGH. Sticking to a set budget forces you to actually take a moment and think through the items normally being tossed willy-nilly into the Walmart shopping cart.

I truly don't understand parents who spend thousands of dollars on their kids, when they should be spending that money on themselves....I mean, seriously, get your priorities straight! Depending on the age, give a kid a cardboard box and tell them it's a house or a baby crib, and you've got hours of entertainment right there and you haven't spent a dime.

We've had loads of family and friends over for visits, for eating, for drinking, for laughing, for sharing. If you do the math, there was one dog in this house last night, 6 adults, NINE children (and that isn't counting my brother & sis-in-law's two kids) and it's easy to figure out why Auntie Helley (that's my nick-name with a few of my nieces and nephews) was hoarsely screeching to please keep it down, because she's got a massive headache from combination nasty head-cold (shout-out to Nanny Lee who is on her vacation from working in Kandahar, Afghanistan and brought it with her!), sugar overload (cinnamon buns, fudge, and sister Bebe's lemon squares, OH MY), and alcohol poisoning (just how much vodka really is too much?).

It's been a blast, but I'm tired-er than I ever thought possible. And now I'm about to go make chili for this afternoon's get-together with the fire department and families.

"Dear Santa,
Next year for Christmas, could you please bring me a King-Kong size container of Advil Liqui-Gels? It would be ever so much appreciated if you'd include that with the large bottle of Grey Goose vodka..."

Oh, and did I mention the PMS over the last few days? Ahh....good times.

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