Monday, December 1, 2008

Too Much

I haven't written anything in several days for a variety of reasons, the biggest one being laziness.
Truthfully, I've been dealing with Revenue Canada's tax reassessment department and it's not the sort of thing you can ignore even though that's exactly what you want to do. Let's just say that many tears were involved with that particular phone call because I was FREAKING THE FUCK OUT.

The bad news is that the 3-year reassessment they did on my taxes results in my having to pay them several thousands of dollars.

The good news is that...who am I kidding? There is NO good news out of that, no silver lining.

Well, actually, maybe the good news is that even with the next bout of depression looming large on the horizon, I didn't want to slit my wrists because of this whole debt thing.

And believe my cheekiness or not, but that's progress on my part.

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